Thursday, July 10, 2008

Vacation Bible School

I am supposed to finish my Sunday Morning sermon right now, but I wanted to gather a few thoughts about this weeks' VBS at First Baptist Church. Still decked out in my lime green T-shirt, VBS is fresh on my mind. VBS is one of the few times that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is mixed with dry ice, whipped cream, styling gel, floating bowling balls, soapy mud and beakers filled with daily challenge bubbles. It is one of the few times that John Newton's Amazing Grace and Chris Rice's Untitled Hymn are sung in the same service. It is one of the few times that THE WORD in church is not "Amen" but "Aha!" It is the only time that our Bible heroes like Jesus and Peter team up with Bible Buddies such as Max, Electra, Sparki, Fizz, and Dewd to teach wonderful truths about God's word.

Jesus gives us the power to be thankful!

Jesus gives us the power to help others!

Jesus gives us the power to be brave!

Jesus gives us the power to live forever!

Jesus gives us the power to tell others about God!

Yes, I love Vacation Bible School, always have, still do and always will. Its a difficult week for many of the workers who work 8-5 jobs and then come straight to church. They rarely leave before 10 PM. My hats off to them! The lives of children are the greatest investment of our time and money. It is the only investment guaranteed a return. At First Baptist, we had many who volunteered their time and money for this wonderful cause. I thank them.
VBS is special because it is another opportunity for God to use our unveiled faces to reflect His glory to others who rarely experience unconditional love. I know all our volunteers met children who needed to see what unconditional love looks like and feels like - hugs, smiles, chocolate pudding, high fives, held hands, and heads bowed in prayer. We never know what many children go home to find. We never know what ordinary life is like for many children. It was nice to break from the ordinary to have a taste of fulfillment, of knowing that we did something to promote the kingdom of God. I hope that it was only a start -for Jesus gives us the power to tell others about God!
Aha! and Amen!

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