Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Is Hell Like? Does It Even Exist? NT Wright on 100 Huntley Street (HD)

Rob Bell made news with the publication of his book Love Wins in which his critics believe that Bell discloses that he is a universalist - that is, the belief that no matter what choices people make in response to God's gospel, God's love for them will ultimately result in their salvation, as well as the salvation of the whole world.

I think Rob Bell has made some wonderful contributions to the Christian conversation, as well as to ministry in general. I love his Nooma videos and encourage all Christians to watch and consider them. (It is fallacious to think that if you disagree with a theologian on one point that you cannot trust him/her on any points. It would be if I would say that nothing John Piper says is good because I disagree with him on matters of predestination and roles of women in the church.) Nevertheless, I feel that his contribution to the conversation of eternal destiny may be a bit misleading. Tom Wright responds to questions about Hell. I like Wright's views on the matter and love his illustrative conversation with the Greek Orthodox cleric.

What does God's love mean for all people? That all will be a part of His good future? Or only some? And, if only some, then who is in and who is out? What does it mean to be left outside God's Kingdom when "heaven and earth are one"?

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