Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wrongly Reached?

Saving the 'Wrongly Reached' in the South

This was a thought-provoking article. Have we sold, as Bonhoeffer would put it, "cheap grace" rather than the call to follow Christ and join God in His mission to reach the world? What happens when many people respond to "cheap grace" rather than the costly grace that costs us our life, but the costly grace that gives true, abundant and eternal life?


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I really appreciated your thoughtful comment on Grace and Truth to You regarding patriarchy and biblical manhood / womanhood. May God bless and keep you as you face this very convoluted subject.

Tim Marsh said...

Thank you for your comment. My own words and involvement in this issue is but a drop in the bucket compared to your experience. Please continue to blog and get your message out that Patriarchy and the Quiverfull movement are not Christianity. God bless!