Friday, June 27, 2008


Yes, I am taking the plunge. I am entering the blog-o-sphere!

Why another blog? Many exist. No one has time to read or respond to them all, so why write? (However, when I do read other blogs, and see an individuals numerous responses, I think that they must have plenty of time! Where is all this spare time?)

First, I am writing for me. I have learned that even though I may have an idea in my head, I have difficulty in expressing it in words. When doing theology, words are important. Precision is imperative. The failure to articulate theology with clarity is detrimental! Slight differences in theology translate into vastly different practices. Therefore, I am trying to put thoughts into words for the big game. The blog-o-sphere is my practice field.

Second, I am writing for you, the reader. I do hope that someone will read. I do hope someone will respond. Theology is best when it happens in conversation. I hope to learn from you, converse with you, and disagree (in love) with you. I hope that you will sharpen me as I hope to sharpen you.

Finally, I hope to have the freedom to write on contraversial issues - issues that require nuanced responses rather than those that merit simple answers. However, I admit fallibility at the outset. No Christian has the whole truth, though we may think that we do. No one sees a clear picture of the Blessed Trinity.

Thus is the reason for the title and chosen scripture passage for the blog. Christians see God's glory as thought it is reflected in a mirror. Recalling 1 Corinthians 13:12, mirrors were not then the clear glass as we know them. The reflection is not perfect. Paul's view of the Lord's glory was not perfect, but came as a mirror's reflection. Spiritual maturity - transformation into the image of Christ - is a process, not an instantaneous event. However, it is done visibly, that is with the veil removed from the face of the Christian, so that the glory of the Lord is visible before the world, in the lives of those He transforms.

Thus, the process continues.

I am looking forward to hearing from you, to writing for my own benefit, and to further clarity of the Lord's glory.

Grace and peace,



scruffy1 said...

I enjoyed your blog page, so I am sure that you have many other bloggers..I am not sure what blog is all about, maybe like being in a chat room? I am so grateful that you came to our church, you , Rebecca and children..

Marshall said...

Hello,I just wanted to wish you and your family a very happy Forth,since this will be your first offical Holiday in Taylorsville.See you on Sunday.